• Pedophilia. Pope: "Universal rules to combat crimes that betray faithful trust"
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17 December 2019Just on the day when he turns 83, Pope Bergoglio changes the rules of the Church to combat the scourge of child abuse.

The pontifical secret for cases of sexual abuse of minors has been abolished
It is the most important point established by Pope Francis, which issued the Instruction 'On the confidentiality of causes'. In the Rescriptum ex audientia with which the Instruction is promulgated, Article 1 states that "the denunciations, trials and decisions concerning crimes" concerning child abuse, of which in the Motu proprio "Vos estis lux mundi "and in the norms" de gravioribus delictis ".

The business secret remains to be respected in every phase and aimed at protecting the good reputation, the image and the private sphere of all the people involved.

The age of the victims was raised from 14 to 18 years
The Pontiff also established that the crime of child pornography exists until the subjects taken up in the images are 18 years old, and not just 14 as it was up to now. Another change concerns the abolition of the rule that the role of lawyer and prosecutor, in cases for abuse in the diocesan courts and doctrine of the faith, had to be fulfilled by a priest. now he can be a layman.