"It is a long and tedious job that Jimmie Åkesson has done and now it is bearing fruit in the way that people see that he has been right all along," says Henrik Vinge, Vice Party Chairman of the Swedish Democrats.

Shares first place with Busch Thor

Nearly a third of voters in Sweden have fairly large or very high confidence in the Swedish Democrats 'leader, Jimmie Åkesson (SD), while the Christian Democrats' Ebba Busch Thor (KD) loses four percentage points, compared to the September poll, and thus shares first place with Åkesson. Also for Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S), confidence is raging and he is in fifth place in the investigation.

- For a long time we have pointed out the social problems that exist and the development shows that the problems that we have pointed out for a long time have also been problems and more and more people see it. Obviously it builds confidence. It is a long and tedious job that Jimmie Åkesson has done and now it is bearing fruit in the way that people see that he has been right all along, says Henrik Vinge, Vice Party Chairman of the Swedish Democrats.

"People want to get away from that"

He believes that the policies that have been carried out in Sweden for a long time have led to insecurity and greater fragmentation in society.

- The government has given priority to health care, schooling and other things and instead spent the money on social experiments. Today, welfare has been completely eroded, there are no resources, but other priorities have been prioritized. It did not go so well and people want to get away from it and go back to an order where we actually prioritize welfare, for example.