A meal sent by the wife of the ousted Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, Abdullah al-Bashir, who is detained in Kober prison in the Khartoum suburb of Bahri, caused terror in the prison, according to the Baj News website and the Sudanese Al-Intibah newspaper.

An officer with the rank of lieutenant of the famous prison of Prison wrote a statement against the police team, Nur al-Huda al-Shafi`, under article 130/20, attempted murder.

Sunday's Al-Intibah newspaper said that Nour al-Huda sent a meal to her husband and others last Friday.

She explained that her husband, Abdullah al-Bashir, a leader of the former regime, Haji Ata al-Mannan, and others at the prison ward, ate the meal, which is a popular feast known in Sudan as a "tear-pinch".

The newspaper reported that Nour al-Huda sent the meal with her private driver in two bowls, one to her husband and the other to prison officers.

The newspaper confirmed, according to its sources, that all those who ate food were subjected to immediate stomach washing after being poisoned after eating the meal sent by al-Bashir's wife.

The sources said that a sample of the food was sent to criminal laboratories, where tests indicated that the food was not suitable for human use.

For her part, Nour Al-Huda stated, during the investigation that took place in the Al-Awsat Police Department, that she could not put poison in the food sent to her husband. She indicated that she did not prepare the food by herself, and who was prepared by workers at her home, stressing that she had no knowledge of the invalidity of the food.

It is worth noting that Nour Al-Huda has previously been granted by the brother of her deposed husband Omar Al-Bashir the rank of first team in the police.

The ousted president's brother, Abdullah Al-Bashir, has been in Kober prison since the fall of the regime on April 11th, among the detainees and symbols of the Bashir regime, for being accused of financial corruption, money laundering and selling Sudanese passports.