Many factors play a role when it comes to your aging speed and its impact on your skin. Although genetics are likely to be one of the most important of these factors, there are many things that you can control, what are they?

1- Vegetable ghee
The American website "Organic Welcome" said in a report that the butter had a very bad reputation a few years ago because it contained saturated fat, and it was supposed to be an alternative vegetable ghee that would allow us to enjoy the flavor of the fat-free butter.

On the other hand, it was found that margarine has much worse repercussions on the body, especially as it is saturated with cross-fat that would increase the risk of developing chronic diseases.

2- Comfortable foods
The site stated that you might feel that cooking fresh meals daily is a challenge for you. Although microwaves and canned dishes make the time to prepare your meals short, they contain salt that is considered unhealthy.

In fact, fast food contains salt, which can cause water retention and make you feel bloated, and if you cannot cook healthy foods, you can count on the delivery of healthy meals.

3- Energy drinks
If you feel you need to drink energy drinks to power you through the day, all you have to do is sleep early, and a healthy sleep will make you appear younger.

In contrast, energy drinks contain high levels of sugar, caffeine, sodium and acids that damage your teeth and contribute to dehydration. Moreover, you must take into account that chronic sleep deprivation will make you less able and effective to accomplish your daily tasks.

4- Sweets
The site showed that sugar is likely to be the first enemy that leads to premature aging, especially as it is added to all types of foods in large proportions.

In general, this is a problem, because sugar is the biggest driver of obesity and the occurrence of infections and dental cavities. In addition, eating large amounts of sugar creates an ideal environment for chronic diseases.

As a result, you should carefully read the labels for the products you want to own, especially since cutting out sweets, baked foods and soft drinks is essential if you want to preserve your youthful look.

5- Refined carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates - such as bread and pasta made with white flour - accelerate the aging process of the skin.

Instead, you should eat whole wheat products, which will make you feel full compared to refined foods. In addition, these products can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

6- Preserved meat
The site said that the latest research on preserved meat indicated that the nitrates and nitrites used during the process of preserving meat would expose your body to the risk of developing cancer, as they create free radicals that damage both the cells of the body and DNA.

Also, having enough free radicals will establish a fertile environment for either cancer or other chronic diseases, as well as damaging your skin. As a result, avoid eating hot dogs and sausages, and replace them with vegetable foods or lean meats.