Now many bullets expect a real measure of power between the two winners of the election.

- The election showed that the Scots are so politically different Englishmen that it is time for Scotland to go their own way, says Adam Knox who voted.

The Scottish Nationalist Party SNP received 48 out of 59 seats in the election. It is a devastating victory over Tory who got 6 seats. Adam Know is now waiting for a fight between SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon and Boris Johnson.

- Yes no one wants to be the Prime Minister who administers the UK resolution. Boris Johnson can say no. But Scotland has for too long been told that it cannot, that it is too small and poor.

The referendum

A majority of Scots voted against independence in the referendum in 2014. But two years later, most people said yes to continued membership in the EU. SVT News speaks to Claudia who believes that more of her compatriots want an independent Scotland during a Brexit.

- When we voted last time, we did not realize that Brexit would be something so big and terrible. We really believed in a change. So I'm in for a new referendum, Claudia tells SVT's reporter Anna-Maja Persson in Edinburgh, Scotland.