Diverticulitis affects the digestive system through the formation of hollow bulges, such as sinuses in the intestinal wall, called diverticulitis. The

This disease usually occurs in the large intestine, and it can also appear in the small intestine in some cases. And when one of these sinuses becomes inflamed, the disease results, and patients often feel pain in the lower left part of the abdomen in addition to fever, and they also complain of nausea, diarrhea, and constipation.

Professor Thomas Zweiferline said diverticulitis requires special nutrition. Foods rich in fats and those that cause bloating should be avoided, such as legumes and cabbage, and food that causes constipation, such as chocolate, bananas, and white flour, while foods rich in dietary fiber such as vegetables and fruits should be consumed. And whole grain products. The

It is also important to drink a lot of fluid, as it works to liquefy the stool in the intestine, and then no new diverticula is formed. The