In Spain, an African settler climbs a burning building and rescues an uncomfortable inhabitant.

<Oh! Click> The third query is "Superman who jumped into flames."

A man carries a man in danger from a smoky, two-story building.

The man who ran into the fire to save his neighbor was Mr. Sou, an illegal immigrant from Senegal.
He found black smoke and went upstairs to the balcony without hesitation.

There was a man in a wheelchair at risk.

Sou quickly lifted him over his shoulder and successfully rescued him on the ladder that his neighbors had brought.

Thanks to this, the man who saved his life even gave a gift of Superman to T-shirt, who came to the building like Superman and saved him.
Soe's anecdotes later spread throughout Spain, and local authorities heard that they had sent the central government to consider giving him a permanent residence.

The domestic netizens responded, "Real superman appeared ~ There is no hero ^^" "It's great! You played a role as a fireman.