
The world's youngest prime minister was born in Finland, a country in northern Europe. As soon as he was elected 34, he appointed 12 of the 19 ministers as women.

Reporter Kim Seok-jae is a reporter.


Born in November 1985, 34-year-old Social Democrat Sanna Marine was elected as the new prime minister of Finland.

The world's youngest prime minister, Finland's third female prime minister.

As soon as prime minister was elected, 12 of 19 cabinet ministers were appointed women. [Sanna Marin / Finland Prime Minister: I want Finland to be a safe and happy life for all children.

Finland was the first country to give women suffrage in 1906.

Reflecting this, the representatives of the four parties that make up the Social Democratic Party and the Central Left Alliance are also women.

Marine has worked for a bread packaging company since she was 15 years old because of difficult family circumstances. When she was a college student, she worked as a salesperson to pay off student loans.

Since then, at the age of 27, he has been elected to the city council and has served as the Minister of Transportation since June.

The prime minister has said that age and gender are not important.

[Sanna Marin / Finland: I have never thought about my age and gender. I only think about why he entered politics and what gained voter confidence]

The Finnish people cheered for the election of a young female prime minister.

[Finland people: I am proud to have a young female prime minister elected. I think it's a good thing and going in the right direction.]

Mr. Marin is due to attend the EU summit in Belgium tomorrow (12th) for the first time on the international stage.

(Image editing: Jung Yonghwa)

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