Paris (AFP)

"Unfair". A "smoking". "Losers on every floor" The opposition rose as a single man Wednesday to go down in flames pension reform presented by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe.

The strongest critics came from the left, in the forefront of the demonstrations in recent days and some of whose components meet in a joint meeting Wednesday night. For Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the insubordinate leader of La France, "Macron has just set up his retirement at 64: those who are 15 are sentenced to the point system, the others are thrown into an illegible and tricky labyrinth."

"The pensions of the big bosses and the privileges of private insurance are maintained Unfair and inequitable," he added. "It is a great civilizational regression that is proposed to us", "they break the pay-as-you-go system," added LFI MP Eric Coquerel to reporters in the Assembly.

EELV leader Yannick Jadot was equally scathing: "The government has therefore chosen to fracture the country a little more, to attack its social cohesion". For the MEP, in principle not opposed to a points system, "delaying deadlines does not mask the flagrant injustice of the proposed reform".

"The government has remained a right government in its boots that has not changed and today it is a minority government that no longer has the support of the only Medef" and MPs LREM, said for his AFP shares the first secretary of the Socialist Party Olivier Faure, calling "to new mobilizations against a project" deeply regressive ".

For PCF national secretary Fabien Roussel, "the PM confirms the worst".

"I never want to be that father who will tell his son that I saved my retirement by sacrificing his own! The fight continues!", For his part tweeted the spokesperson of the NPA Olivier Besancenot.

The lifting of the shields was immediate right too. "So if we understand well, we had debates and blockages for nothing, since the pension reform is postponed between 2037 for the generation 1975 and 2064 for the generation 2004. Emmanuel Macron is the fog and smoke: our pensions will go down! "tweeted the number two party Republicans Guillaume Peltier.

- "Terrible" for Marine Le Pen -

The party is opposed to a points system and advocates an extension of the contribution period that would result in a postponement of the retirement age from 62 to 64 years.

The chairman of the Finance Commission and MP of the Oise Eric Eric Woerth has estimated that the pivot age at 64 was "neither more nor less financial rebalancing by lower pensions", ironically also on the invention by the government of a "new concept: the transition to extension".

Senate leader LR Bruno Retailleau said that "to make the government believe that the value of the point can not fall because it will be written into the law is to take the French for fools".

"Probably never a government will have presented with such embellished words such a terrible reform," reacted for its part the President of the National Rally Marine Le Pen, calling for a referendum on the issue again.

"This is very disturbing, there are losers on all floors, teachers and tomorrow may be police or hospital staff," said Sebastien Chenu, spokesman for the party who advocates for retirement at 60 years.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, president of Debout France and former ally of Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential 2017, for his part considered that the reform was "a gas plant". But "fortunately, it will apply only from 2025" and therefore "one of the stakes of the presidential 2022 will be to cancel this unfair reform," he added.

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