On January 27, Ulf Kristersson would have awarded the 2020 scholarship from the Micael Bindefeld Foundation to commemorate the Holocaust. He writes on Facebook that he has for many years been involved in the fight against anti-Semitism and supported the work of the foundation and that it was therefore obvious to say yes.

“I understand that a discussion has now arisen that I should distribute the scholarship. The foundation should not be drawn into a purely party political debate, ”writes Ulf Kristersson on Facebook.

Men for reflection

He has therefore informed Micael Bindefeld that he will not distribute the scholarship.

“I understand that this decision may be debating, and I really want to urge everyone to reflect now. The fight against anti-Semitism is a far too important issue for being drawn into the politics of day politics, ”the Moderate leader continues.

Micael Bindefeld says in a text message to TT that he himself will distribute next year's scholarship. “Ulf has refused the assignment. Otherwise no comments ”, writes Bindefeld.

The leaves are critical

Kristersson has recently been accused of failing to make a promise to 95-year-old Hédi Fried, who survived the Holocaust, by having an individual meeting with the Swedish Democrats' leader Jimmie Åkesson. When Kristersson met Fried last summer, he promised her never to agree with any of the Swedish Democrats.

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) this weekend accused the Moderate leader of having failed to fulfill his promise. “To look at Holocaust survivors in the eyes and promise something like that and then completely ignore their promise is so utterly immoral that I lack words. The verdict of history will be harsh, ”Stefan Löfven wrote on Facebook.

Ulf Kristersson called Löfven's hopes "judgmentless and unworthy".

SVT has sought Ulf Kristersson, who announces via his press secretary that he does not want to comment further on the matter.