• Greta Thunberg is the person of the year for the "Time"
  • Climate, Cop25: 2019 record year for heat and Co2 concentration
  • Climate, UN secretary Guterres: "We must end our war against nature"
  • EU Parliament: climate and environment emergency declared in Europe and in the world
  • Climate, 'Fridays for Future': the students have returned to the streets to protect the environment


11 December 2019The Swedish activist Greta Thunberg has announced that on Friday 13 December she will join the 'Climate strike', the strike on Friday for the climate of Turin. On Twitter, Greta said she will stop in the Piedmontese capital "on the way back home" from Madrid, where she participated in the Cop 25.

See you in Piazza Castello, Turin at 3pm! ", He wrote. The" climate strikes "are the demonstrations launched by Greta and the Fridays For Future movement to protest against government inaction in the fight against climate change.

The sixteen year old Swede has won the cover of Time , which every December the American magazine attributes to the person who has marked the year that is about to end.

This Friday 13th I'm looking forward to joining the climate strike in Turin, Italy on my way back home! See you at Piazza Castello, Turin 15.00! #Fridaysforfuture #climatestrike # schoolstrike4climate @ F4F_Turin pic.twitter.com/rymxXbIr3L

- Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) 11 December 2019