
US Secretary of State Pompey says he expects North Korea to continue testing its nuclear and long-range missiles, while a UN Security Council meeting is scheduled for tomorrow. We are also thinking about ways to talk and negotiate.

I'm Correspondent Washington Sohn.


In a press conference with Russian Foreign Minister Ravrov, Pompeio expressed his view that North Korea is still hopeful for denuclearization.

Kim also reminded him of his promise not to launch a nuclear test or a long-range missile test.

[Secretary of State Pompeio / US: We look forward to continuing our pledge to stop testing nuclear and long-range missiles.]

In just two years, the United States has stressed that the purpose of calling for a UN Security Council meeting tomorrow is to prevent further provocations.

Aside from pressure on North Korea, Pompey also expressed intentions to solve the problem through dialogue and negotiations.

[Secretary of State Pompeio / US: We are constantly working on developing a negotiating method and a place of communication to achieve denuclearization.

In response, today's Security Council North Korean Human Rights Conference has been broken. The New York Times believes the US hopes for maintaining diplomatic ties with North Korea.

The State Department has hurriedly described the recent situation surrounding the missile test as a matter of concern to the Security Council.