The deviation report states: “The user has not received his food from us for a whole week, except Saturday. She has food delivery from us ”

"Not as bad as it looks"

Liselotte Ulvebring Westin is the result area manager for the home service in Södertälje. She thinks it's not as bad as it may seem. According to the home service, the user has been able to go and buy his / her own food without any ill-treatment. She only has support services from the home service, which means that she gets food boxes from the home service every now and then.

The reason for the missing lunch boxes must have been staff change.

"Unfortunately, she has fallen between the chairs in our planning system, of course it is regrettable but there has been no distress on the woman," says Liselotte Ulvebring Westin.

Is it common for users to fall between the chairs?

-It is not at all common, this is the first time I have heard that it happened in two years time. And as soon as we detect a deviation, we look at the cause of the problem and make sure it doesn't happen again.

How do you make this happen again?

- We have done an investigation to see what went wrong, exactly what that investigation looks like, I do not know, but it is about putting their users in the planning system directly, says Liselotte Ulvebring Westin.