US and Russia Foreign Ministers China Adds Discussion on Dec. 11 at 7:23 as an extension of the Nuclear Disarmament Treaty “New START”

US Secretary of State Pompeio and Russian Foreign Minister Labrov met to discuss the need to add China, which will continue to increase nuclear power, over the extension of the nuclear disarmament treaty “New START” that will expire in the next year. It was.

Secretary of State Pompeio and Foreign Minister Labrov met in Washington on the 10th.

At the joint conference after the talks, Secretary Pompeio will take time to discuss the new START, a nuclear disarmament treaty that will expire in February next year, and aim for a broad arms management framework, including China that has not participated in the treaty. I made it clear that I complained about the necessity.

On top of that, he said, “It is clear that strategic stability will be lost as it is, and the United States wants to continue dialogue with Russia and other countries.”

In response, Foreign Minister Labrov responded that China is not willing to participate in the new framework, but “if China is ready to participate, it is ready to support it”.

"We proposed that the US start extending the new START as soon as possible. I also told them that we should make a summit statement that the nuclear war is unacceptable."

As the nuclear disarmament regime fluctuates due to the expiration of the abolishment of the INF = medium-range nuclear missile treaty between the United States and Russia, it will be noticed whether this discussion will lead to discussions on nuclear disarmament centered on the United States and Russia.