Half a year since the protests in Hong Kong

It will be half a year since the series of protests in Hong Kong began. Citizens continue to protest against the demands of direct elections by the top government officials, but the government has not responded, and there is a risk of confusion again depending on the government's response.

In Hong Kong, it was half a year since the series of protests started in June, but the protests continued intermittently. You have to participate.

Citizens are demanding the introduction of direct elections by the government's top administrative secretary and the establishment of an `` independent investigation committee '' to check whether police control is appropriate, but the government does not respond to this, There is no response to the police.

On the other hand, radical actions to destroy buildings and facilities have decreased recently, and the large-scale demonstration on the 8th has ended without confusion, and many citizens are trying to protest with peaceful means. It is accepted.

In addition, the government has also seen changes in the method of enforcement, such as the police permitting a march on the 8th, and pressure from the international community has also been seen.

Associate professor Ma Tong of Hong Kong Chubun University, who is familiar with Hong Kong politics, mentioned that the “Hong Kong Human Rights Law” was enacted in the United States. I think. ”

In the future, the Hong Kong government may accept the establishment of an investigation committee on police enforcement, but it will point out that citizens will not be able to respond to it, and it will be possible that confusion will occur again depending on the government's response. doing.