A video clip of Facebook users has spread on the pages of thousands of social media users claiming that it depicts the moment targeting Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi’s guards with American drones, in preparation for the commando operation that led to the death of the leader of the ISIS terrorist organization, but the truth is that the video is extracted from the famous video game “Wissam Honor "(Middle of Honor).

It continues for three minutes, fifty-seven seconds, full of interesting black and white combat scenes, as if they were taken from a surveillance camera or a sniper lens, in which a number of people, some armed one after another, were shot and killed while trying to defend themselves or take cover, while two people were caught hanging On what is happening on a radio, which suggests that they are the perpetrators of the operation, and from time to time he hears the sound of floating around.

The leaflet was attached to a comment that stated: “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s guards were targeted with American drones.” The commentary describes the progress of the operation by saying: “There was a shooting from a very long distance from above the clouds, as they were unable to determine the sources of the shooting.” It indicates that the facts that Filmed by the video, it took place "moments before the start of the raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's headquarters."

The publication concludes, evaluating the process by saying, "An incident like this must be examined in terms of the technology used and the method followed."

The news health investigating team in France Press searched the video, which received a Facebook page and tool, more than five thousand participants as of the date of preparing this report.

After cutting the video to fixed scenes using the Invid website, the research reached the original video published on August 14, 2017, that is, more than two years before the announcement of al-Baghdadi’s killing, entitled “The most beautiful and most realistic sniper mission of the Medal of Honor game”.

The "Medal of Honor" game is a video game that includes interesting combat missions that take place in different periods. The game was designed by California-based Electronic Arts, and it can be played on the Playstation.

An ISIS leader was killed in October 2019, in an operation by a US commando unit in Idlib, northwestern Syria.

The US Central Command commander, Gen. Kenneth McKinsey, announced that Al-Baghdadi was killed with two of his children under the age of 12, when he detonated an explosive vest he was wearing in a tunnel he sought to escape from the American forces, as well as the killing of four women and another man.

The US Department of Defense published a recorded clip showing American soldiers approaching two men from a compound surrounded by high walls in northwestern Syria, in which al-Baghdadi was besieged before storming him, and the "Pentagon" posted a video of air strikes on a group of unidentified fighters on the ground, who opened fire on helicopters An American woman is carrying the soldiers who attacked the Al-Baghdadi compound in Idlib, in addition to pictures of the compound before and after the attack.