According to her mother, she was informed that the boy could become a little "ugly" by the sedative. But when the boy drank, his mother said that the dentist panicked and left the room to call other staff.

Another dentist should then inform the mother that the boy received a dose three times higher than he should have received and that, in the worst case, he could stop breathing.

According to the mother, it took more than 20 minutes for the boy's dentist to return after seeking help at a nearby health center. The boy should then have been unconscious for 10-15 minutes.

Thought the boy would die

The mother says that during the time she asked someone to call an ambulance and it is critical that the dentists did not call for a direct one.

"I was on the worst day of my life and thought my son would die," she writes in the report.

After almost an hour of the boy getting the sedative, an ambulance should have arrived and the boy had to go to the emergency room, where his breathing was monitored.

In the report to Ivo, the mother states that she is critical of the dentists' ignorance and actions when the incident occurred.