Elina's sister Alexandra Nybakk thought it was a good idea and also hung at the Christmas Aid in Arvika.

- I do this because I know that many people have been bad at it, while there are people who have lots of gadgets at home that they do not use, says Elina Room Andersson.

Mediation of gadgets and money

About 50 people have already received help through the sisters' initiative. Christmas help in Arvika acts as a mediation of gadgets and money from people who want to give to those who need financial help for Christmas.

Those who want help hear from the Christmas Help Facebook page and tell them what situation they are in. Then the sisters Elina Room Andersson and Alexandra Nybakk make sure they get help from various companies and from Arvikabor who want to donate things, food or money.

Many who want to help

Everything from grocery stores to clothing stores and hairdressers donated gift cards.

- There is a great need, but there are also many people who want to help. Those who seek help are usually single and retired, says Elina Room Andersson.

"Feels good to do something for others"

And the work of communicating what was donated to Christmas help takes time.

- But I still hang on social media so much, so it feels good to do something good for others, says Elina Room Andersson.

Available in more locations

Christmas help in Arvika runs until 23/12. Even in Torsby there is a Christmas help on Facebook. There it is Tina Bengtsson who started with Christmas Help as early as 2017.

In September this year, Fanny Folkesson and Jessica Persson also revived the Christmas help in Filipstad.