Both companies and study and career counselors were present when over one hundred women visited the Employment Service's recruitment meeting in Malmö.

"For women who want to work and get out of the home, this is a great opportunity," says job seeker Ramla Asghar.

Important platform for those without contacts

Unemployment among foreign-born women in Skåne was 24.6 percent in October 2019 and in Malmö it was 26.1 percent.

- I think it is extremely important to meet employers directly for this group, when you may not have as much network of your own and not so much work experience, says Tina Hasselström, employment broker and organizer.

The recruiting hits are a recurring feature and one who got a job through a hit last year is Lina Timimi.

- A week ago I was hired so far, so it's great fun, says Lina Timimi, bus driver.