In the international survey PISA 2018, which measures 15-year-olds' knowledge in reading comprehension, mathematics and science, students in Sweden performed above the OECD average. The negative trend reversed in 2015 and the latest report now shows a further improvement in results.

Good reading comprehension in all subjects

At the same time, the report points to several problem areas. The Swedish school is less equivalent than in the other Nordic countries and schools located in socio-economically weak areas are not adequately compensated in terms of resources. The survey also shows that students' overall reading decreased.

Birgitta Norberg Brorsson, associate professor in Swedish at MDH, says that it is the responsibility of all teachers to ensure that students have a good reading comprehension in all subjects. The school also has a compensatory assignment which becomes especially important if reading is not in the home.

- It is important to try to create interest in reading. When reading, for example, fiction at school, one should talk about it and it needs to relate to what the students are interested in, she says.