In Kalmar County, the County Administrative Board has decided that a total of eight lynxes should be shot during next year's license hunt. The decision is based on the fact that the lynx strain is larger than the administrative target, ie how many lynxes it is allowed to be in the county.

- It is too big litter and it causes problems. I usually compare it to wild boar that we haven't shot off that we should have done to keep the trunk sufficient. It seems that everyone is a problem today when we have far too many, says Christina Karlberg Head of Communications at the County Administrative Board in Kalmar County.

Now, both the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation and the Swedish Predators Association criticize the decision. It is believed that the license hunt exists only to accommodate the hunters.

- I don't think this belongs to 2020, during the 19th and 1900s, they did what they could to eradicate the lynx. It is now in recent years that the lynx has been established here and then you should immediately shoot down the trunk again, we think it is completely wrong, says Robert Franzén regional manager in Småland for the Swedish Predators Association.

Could it be a problem if you let the lynx grow like the wild boar?

- I think it speaks to great ignorance when comparing the wild boar's reproduction with the lynx. There is very long growth in a lynx population and likewise, lynx is not established close to each other.

No license hunting in Kronoberg

In Kronoberg County, there is no license hunting for lynx as a result of the birth of too few hills

- We have a minimum of how many lynxes must be found in the county and that level we have reached. But we have not reached the level of management, ie the level of security of how many there must be before hunting and how many there must be left after hunting, says Daniel Söderberg nature conservation officer at the County Administrative Board Kronoberg.