When you see that most of the things you are looking for on the Internet have become boring and well-known, you quickly realize that you no longer really need Google in your life.

In an article in the American magazine Wired, James Tamperton mentioned his personal experience when he decided to replace Google's search engine with search engine Duck Duck Go.

Two years without Google
The writer reported that for two years he used search engine DKDKGo in the various searches he performs on the Internet sites, and confirmed its distinction on Google.

It all began to realize that most of the things he was looking for were easy to find. Do we really need Google's known algorithms that everyone uses to help us? Most likely the answer will be none.

When using the Firefox web browser instead of Chrome and replacing Google's search engine with DeckGo, the author discovered that the search results most of us are looking for exist. The list of most searched terms contains names and events, such as the World Cup, Mac Miller, Stanley, Megan Markle, and the list goes on.

In fact, more results can be found compared to those offered by Google.

The difference between Google and Duck Duck Go
The DuckDuckGo engine works extensively in the same way as any other search engine, including Google, where it collects data from hundreds of sources such as Wolfram Alpha, Wikipedia and Ping, with its web crawler, to display the most important results, which is exactly What Google engine does.

In contrast, the main difference is that the DuckDuckGo does not store IP addresses or user information. Moreover, the search engine does not track you, and handles about 1.5 billion searches each month. In contrast, Google processes about 3.5 billion searches a day, and in 2012 the average search was 45 million searches per month.

Google is still at the forefront but the actual difference in search results is not significant (Pixabee)

No misleading ads
Although Google is still at the forefront, the actual difference in search results is not significant. In fact, DuckDuckGo is the best in many ways, as his search results do not contain marketing methods to convince people to use his products similar to what Google and other services do.

For example, when you do a search for "Iron Man 2" using Google's engine, it will first tell you that you can buy it from Google Play or YouTube for $ 11. You’ll then suggest playing a trailer on YouTube, telling you that 92% of Google users “liked” the movie.

In contrast, DuckDuckGo offers an excerpt from Wikipedia and quick links to learn more about this film and evaluate it on the online film database, Roten Tomitose, Amazon and iTunes.

It may seem simple, but such things are essential to how the Internet works, and who makes the most profit from it. It contributed to Google's prioritization of its results and its clear bias towards its products and services, which made the company face problems with the European Commission, which imposed fines of billions of pounds and a number of investigations into allegations of the company's conduct contrary to competition laws.

According to the Commission, it is not necessary that what is useful for Google is beneficial to consumers or competitors.

Privacy is respectable
The issue of privacy is another point of difference between the search engines Google and Duck Duck Go. When accessing a search using the DuckDuckGo engine, you can get a list of links or a simple snippet containing the information you were looking for without storing data or tracking your users' search history.

Results and information are not shared with advertising companies, allowing them to target users with a plethora of things they are unlikely to buy. Typically, the engine offers ads for things you have already searched for.

On the other hand, the search scope on the DuckDuckGo engine should be very precise, and modify the search term many times to narrow the search circle so you can get the right results, unlike Google, which is able to guess what the user is looking for.

The writer concluded that it is not a fair battle, but a strange battle, where this unknown engine can enter a competition with the technology giant. It may seem ridiculous, with DKDKG employing only 78 employees, while Google employs 14096, and the search results are often similar.