Laila Ali

What is romance? "It sounds like a simple question that needs a simple answer, but it is not," says Lauren Harrott, a counselor for marital relationships via Guy Stuff Counselin, a website for marital counseling.

It is simply a set of behaviors that come from a state of mind associated with the excitement and ambiguity of loving someone, and the desire to love you in return.

That's why romance is usually associated with the beginning of a relationship, as we do it automatically to ensure that the person we love stays with us.

How to disappear?
Sylvia Smith, a writer on Zawaj, says the common complaint between couples is the decline of romance in their lives and the lack of romance. For this reason, many equate the lack of romance with the love that has disappeared. But both are not equal, because if your husband is no longer romantic, it does not mean he no longer loves you.

Skim marriage
Can this be achieved? In general, Harut answers: "No" marriage that is completely devoid of romantic behaviors is not very happy, because the absence of romance in marriage can lead to some consequences. Because of their feminine nature, women often suffer from a lack of romance and a lack of passion for marriage.

Lack of romance leads women to feel insecure

The effects of lack of romance
It may seem ridiculous for some that women feel upset because of the lack of romance in their marital relationship, but the effects of the absence of romance in can create side effects leading to ongoing marital differences. Here are some of those effects, according to Sylvia's article on Marriage.

Insecurity: Lack of romance can lead a woman to feel insecure, starting to wonder if her husband still looks at her in the same way.

Feeling of zero gravity: women begin to wonder if their partner is no longer attracted to her. Here she can feel particularly painful if her body changes dramatically from the beginning of marriage. This insecurity can lead to depression or harmful behavior.

Uncertainty and betrayal: If her husband no longer engulfs her with the romance he once did, she may begin to wonder if there is another woman in his life.

It's common for women to leave a romantic job for a husband (Getty Images)

Inserting romance into your life
The lack of romantic and romantic relationship does not mean that the relationship is not good. Your husband may be an excellent father, a skilled economist and a good friend, and this may make up for you a little bit about his lack of romance. However, here is what to do according to Harut and Smith's opinion, when there is no romance in your life that you love.

Spending time together: family relationship is more than just daily activities to be done as tasks to be completed. Questions for the other about his life, what he prefers and what his expectations for their future together, make sure that a new hobby or activity together promotes romantic communication.

Communication by writing: Writing romantic text messages is sometimes easier than saying it out loud, and it increases the feeling of love towards the other party, especially in the absence.

Cute and simple words: Deliberate out of your daily routine, by saying simple things but having a big impact like "You look nice today, thank you so much for doing this job for me, I really appreciate it."

Giving gifts: A good gesture to give some small gifts to your husband and perhaps he will do it later, gifts of a sudden nature also have the effect of magic, even if something small and emotional it means a lot to your husband.

Seek help: The community in which you live may find that the lack of a romantic love relationship between couples is not a big problem, but it can actually lead to other big problems, so it is in everyone's interest to seek help if you really need it.

Contact your doctor: It is helpful to contact your doctor if you suspect hormonal changes that lead to emotional distractions from your spouse.

Marriage Counseling: Marriage counseling can help couples get closer to each other and get to the root of the problems they face in their relationship.

The lead: Women often leave the job of romance to the husband, but you should never be afraid to take the lead.

Remember that: What is romantic for you may not be romantic for your husband.