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01 July 2017 A fifteen-year-old man in Naples, in the Marianella area, was injured in a buttock during an ambush aimed at a former justice collaborator.

The boy was playing soccer with friends, in Piazza Tafuri, while the former penitent passed by on foot. At 7.30 pm two people came into action with a helmet on their head, riding a scooter: the killers immediately aimed the man and fired a single pistol at him. The bullet, however, missed the target and hit the boy.

Panic among the people who were in the square at the time. Many fled at a run. The boy didn't immediately notice that he was hit. Then he felt a burning in his buttock, he collapsed, he asked for help and was immediately rescued and transported in a 118 ambulance to the San Giovanni Bosco hospital.

Once he arrived in the hospital, the 15-year-old was visited by health professionals who found him with a wound in his right buttock, fortunately not serious. The boy was medicated. He is currently still in hospital but it is not excluded that he can be discharged soon.

The former collaborator of justice, a 41-year-old man, terrified by what had just happened, fled to the Marianella police station, where he asked the military for help. In the barracks, the carabinieri questioned the former repentant and some witnesses. The military also acquired videos of video surveillance systems in the area to retrieve as much information as possible and identify the two hit men. According to the first findings, the two would have used a semi-automatic pistol. After the failed assassination attempt, they fled and did not mention the slightest attempt to return to action.