Today, Labor Minister Eva Nordmark (S) is presented to the Labor Market Committee to explain how she intends to resolve the crisis surrounding the reform of the Employment Service.

The reform, which involves outsourcing jobs to private players, is one of the 73 points of the January agreement. 132 AF offices around the country are to be shut down - but the Left Party believes that the process is going too fast and is too poorly investigated, and therefore threatens a distrust vote against Nordmark.

- In essence, V thinks the reform is terribly wrong, but Jonas Sjöstedt also has a need to show that you are not a doormat for the government just because he released Löfven as prime minister. With the threat he wants to show that V can act opposition and influence politics, says Marmorstein.

Another party

35 mandates are required to bring a declaration of confidence, and V has only 28. Therefore, you need to bring a party with you - and Sjöstedt has set his sights on the Moderates. Marmorstein hesitates that Ulf Kristersson will nip, despite the strong internal pressure on the party leader.

- The moderates have said that they want to pursue tough opposition politics and that they are prepared to challenge the government on any issue, but they went for election on this reform. Together with V, to defeat a government minister on a reform you really want is not straightforward.

Three options

If the conflict is drawn to its forefront, it can, according to Marmorstein, ultimately lead to an extra choice.

- Stefan Löfven will not put Nordmark in the face of a distrust they believe will go through. He thus has three options: either he sacrifices her and reforms the government, but I do not think so - she is very new to the post and has a heavy trade union background. The next alternative is that he makes it a cabinet issue and says: do you distrust my Labor Minister you distrust the entire government.

- The last option is that he is pushing hard against hard for real and flags for an extra choice, which he did in December 2014. In the end, it boils down to which parties are willing to risk it.