President Trump "The Last Suffering" US-China Trade Negotiations Stuffed Discussion Continued November 27 12:10

US President Trump said that he is "tasting the last suffering of a very important deal" about trade negotiations with China, showing that the first-stage agreement is close, but there is still disagreement I was told.

In trade negotiations between the United States and China, discussions are underway to sign the first-stage agreement.

Under such circumstances, President Trump told reporters at the White House on the 26th that he is "tasting the last pain of a very important deal" and reaffirmed that the first-stage agreement is close, but still remains I heard that there was a gap in opinions.

It seems that there are some efforts to eliminate some of the tariffs demanded by China and the protection of intellectual property rights demanded by the United States.

On the other hand, about the democratic faction won a sweeping victory in the ward parliamentary elections in Hong Kong to support them, "We are. Hong Kong is also, to want to go well, work well believe that. Xi Jinping Jintao, it I think I can do it. ”

In Hong Kong, the US Senate and House of Representatives have passed a bill that supports the establishment of human rights and democracy in Hong Kong and urges President Trump to sign and enact the bill.

However, President Trump is avoiding a statement whether to sign, and if the bill is enacted, it warns that China will take retaliation, considering the impact on trade negotiations, it seems that it is considering responding .