• Istat, industrial production rises: + 0.8% in February. On an annual basis + 0.9%
  • Istat: family income declines. The debt increases to 132% of GDP
  • Istat: unemployment dates back to 10.7% in February
  • Istat: consumer confidence, business rooms, still falls in March
  • Istat: productivity in work in Italy from 2000 to 2016 increased only by 0.4%


12 April 2019 "After four years of decline, in 2018 the propensity to save by families, the share of income set aside, rises to 8.1%". The Istat notes this, explaining that in 2017 the value stops at 7.8%. Growth in consumer spending slowed instead (+ 1.6% from + 2.7% in the previous year). Again in 2018 as a whole, purchasing power increased by 0.9% on an annual basis, "confirming the trend of recovery in progress since 2014", explains the Institute of Statistics.

Purchasing power still -6.6% compared to pre-crisis
The purchasing power of families, ie their disposable income in real terms, although recovering is still below pre-crisis levels in 2018, 6.6% lower than in 2007. Istat notes this.

The rise in purchasing power "has allowed for a slow recovery in consumption", explains Istat, but "not a recovery in the share of savings" that characterized household behavior before the crisis that began in 2008.