Mary Aaron

The word noise immediately sounds disturbing, but the concept of white noise, contrary to what is expected, are sounds that are relaxing or active and focused, and can be used to get a good amount of sleep, as recommended by sleep experts to calm children and infants. However, their types vary according to how they are used, their purpose and time.

It may sound complicated, but once you associate the sound with the effect it has on your breath, you'll know the right type for your needs.

White noise includes quiet, repetitive and monotonous sounds, such as the sounds of the sea, such as sea waves or autumn leaves, and sometimes the sounds of some electrical appliances such as a washing machine or hair dryer. Just as some inspire and focus, others are calm and relaxing.

Everyone has a type of white noise that suits his / her situation (communication sites)

Quiet and relaxed
Some people can go to sleep only in a state of complete silence and silence, they do not have to experience white noise to relax and sleep because it is not intended for them, but there are people can not sleep only on the sound of radio or television, and these are qualified to experience sleep on the voices White noise as sounds of devices such as air coolers or relaxing systemic sounds.

Some applications may provide simulation of electrical appliances and sea wave sounds. According to Greg Jacob's book Farewell to Insomnia, white noise works by blocking disturbing noise and contrasting sounds, as well as producing regular sounds that create a relaxing atmosphere.

Dr. David New Power, a physician at Johns Hopkins Hospital's sleep disorders department, said that when insomniac patients sleep quietly, they hear loud noises that may disturb them and intermittently fall asleep, making white noise a real solution. .

A study conducted by the University of Trapez, Ireland, on 1000 cases from several countries with intensive care for insomnia, revealed that patients who slept at a rate of 4-7 hours beside white noise devices increased the average number of hours of sleep to 7 hours, compared to patients who were not exposed to those Sounds.

White noise helps children and babies sleep for 10 hours

Increase focus
The role of noise is not only relaxation, but can help rejuvenate and increase concentration. When the body tells us that its battery is coming to an end because of the feeling of fatigue and loss of energy, a natural feeling of the need to take a break, but that is not available most of the time, the deadlines for the delivery of projects and tasks and tests follow everyone, and from time to time we have to ignore that feeling and work Hard work for unavoidable commitments .. Here comes the role of white noise to charge the body energy positively and stimulate more activity.

The Psychology Today website revealed a study conducted by fMRI, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique, during a person's specific activities.

The study found an unspecified link between hearing white noise and increased brain activity, which psychiatrists attributed to linking the brain between image and sound, enhancing memory abilities.

The noise used for this type is called the product, a combination of sounds such as showers, restaurant sound, and heated sound.It produces several mixed sounds that end up with the white noise produced, and is available on many applications and dedicated sites such as Noisly.

SoundCloud also offers a variety of white noise models.

White noise, one of the arms of the standard auditory therapy (communication sites)

Auditory therapy
White noise is one of the arms of the standard auditory therapy, and perhaps the most important points in this technique is the so-called "tinnitus mask", which is the biggest problems of concentration or relaxation. Tinnitus needs to be isolated, disturbing and distant sounds confusing, so many white noise segments rely on buzz masks to cover tinnitus and any annoying sounds, as evidenced in a report by the American Tinnitus Association (ITA), which highlighted the importance of using White noise to get enough sleep.

In addition, the use of white noise grows with preterm infants, infants and even adults, where many doctors recommend using it for infants with difficulty sleeping or even just feeling disturbed, as it has proven successful with children.