Ahead of the municipalities' budget process, which is in full swing right now, SVT has asked all municipalities in Gävleborg which businesses are most in need of saving measures and which is the main reason for saving.

The picture that the municipalities jointly draw is savings on staff, mainly in the elderly and pre-primary and primary school. But also road maintenance and snow removal will be left behind.

- It is about changing what the local residents demand, says Marie Centerwall (S), municipal council in Bollnäs. The cost increases are mainly about more expensive costs for investments of various kinds and it is expensive daily costs for that.

Demographics are a growing problem in the county

For many municipalities in Gävleborg, demographics are a growing problem. Bollnäs is no exception. An increasing number of individuals aged 18-64 should support an increasing number of people aged 0-17 and 65 years and older. Tax revenue simply does not increase at the same rate as needs.

- It's worrying, of course. It is a challenge to adapt activities that are aimed at our aging population. It is fewer to provide more, concludes Marie Centerwall.