In the Novus survey, interviewees receive a long list of different political issues. They are asked to tick everyone they consider important, however many they want. The question that gets the most crosses is the healthcare system. 65 percent of those surveyed think that healthcare is important. Then comes immigration and integration (53 percent) and law and order (52 percent).

In the next step, the interviewees get to point out the most important question of the people checked. Immigration and integration receive the most votes, 19 percent of those surveyed rank it as most important, followed by law and order (14 percent) and then health care (13 percent) and climate (13 percent).

Difference between the parties

The question that the voters point out as most important varies greatly depending on party sympathies. Nearly half, 49 percent, of the Swedish Democrats 'voters think immigration and integration are the most important issue, while 5 percent of Social Democrats' voters think the same.

Law and order are ranked highest by supporters of the Moderates and Christian Democrats, 19 percent of whom think that law and order are most important, as opposed to 6 percent of the supporters of government parties.

Unfavorable location for S

Instead, voters of the Social Democrats and the Environment Party think that healthcare, climate and distribution policy are much more important. But these kinds of issues are further down the agenda right now, the government has recently been forced to focus on the increasingly serious gang crime. An opinionally unfavorable situation according to Henrik Ekengren Oscarsson, political scientist at the University of Gothenburg.

- The government is in a defensive position. You cannot win new voters on these issues, but here you have to limit the losses, says Henrik Ekengren Oscarsson.