If your children between the ages of three and six years insult and cursing older people do not laugh in their faces, because if this situation is not corrected in time it may create problems in living with the child and strained at home.

Children over the age of six know when to insult and use them as revenge when disturbing situations occur or reject them, such as when a parent orders them to arrange a room when they are playing.

Failure to respect others in general generates a complete lack of boundaries and maturity that are essential for managing emotions, while excessive tolerance complicates the issue of coexistence at home between parents and their children, according to a report by the Spanish newspaper El Pais.

Young children may be insulting others because they get frustrated (Getty Images)

Protect your personal space
According to Carmen Marco, a pediatric clinical psychologist at the Abrendt Center, "young children are usually insulting others because they are frustrated and do not know how to manage the situation in a way other than reducing their respect for those around them."

It's a way to direct their anger and protect their own personal space, which is like saying "I don't like what happens" or "I don't know how to express it otherwise," because they have a limited number of vocabulary to express themselves, unlike adults.

To prevent children from diminishing respect for their parents, it is important to keep in mind that "adults are ideal for them, so a model for constructive and positive communication must be offered, where anger can be expressed without harming the feelings of others."

You should avoid insulting the child and not responding to them so that they do not make them think they are in control.

Educating a child not to use insults as a way to dispel his fears is the best way to avoid diminishing his respect for others, says expert Carmen Marco. By others, with the need to clarify the importance of respecting himself and others. "

The insults spoken by children are a reflection of how their parents behave (Getty Images)

Children are a reflection of their parents
The insults that children say are much more than words. They are a reflection of the way their parents behave. According to children's psychologist Jimé Moreno, "this is why parents should analyze our reaction to certain situations."

She pointed out that we must ask ourselves: Did our child know that from us? Do we use those humiliating or bad words to address others? How to behave towards frustration? Does the environment surrounding my child in out-of-school recreational activities help him to express himself properly?

According to Moreno, the key to ending the insults and cursing of children is "to establish rules at home to avoid too lenient education that would turn children into young tyrants."

In addition, the application of appropriate limits and intervention in a timely manner without waiting until the child becomes older to become a good interlocutor and fluent communication techniques that do not include appropriate yelling, but to speak and explain situations or emotional situations.