• Bullying, the threat to prof after a bad grade: the class council proposes 5 failures


21 April 2018

Rejection for three students involved in the threat story to the ITC professor in Lucca, who ended up online. This is what the institute council met today. For two other students he confirmed the suspension until 19 May, but admitted them to the ballots. A sixth boy was then involved in police investigations after watching the footage taken in the classroom.

Police search at the students' home
In the morning, the state police carried out searches against the students, all of whom were under investigation. The clothes worn by the boys in the videos, their mobile phones and the motorcycle helmet used to hit the teacher were seized. The suspects will also have to answer for the attempted theft of the tablet containing the school data, which one of them tried to subtract from the teacher who refused to give him a grade higher than his performance. Interrogations will follow in the coming days.

The fact: after a bad grade he says to the professor: "Kneel"
He first offended and threatened the professor and then tried to tear off the electronic register and, therefore, instruct him to kneel before him. The protagonist of the disturbing episode occurred in the technical and commercial institute "Carrara" of Lucca a student who reacted in this way to a bad grade. The scene was taken with a mobile phone by a fellow of the 'bully' who then, without fail, circulated the video. The young man 'resented' for the bad evaluation he underwent, approached the chair insulting the teacher aloud in front of the whole class, demanding a higher grade ("Mi metta sei"). After trying to snatch the register from his hand, where the professor was supposed to write the vote, and then affirm to the professor's address: "Who's the boss?" And then, still facing his companions, he shouted with a peremptory tone: "On his knees". The video of the scene ended up on chat and social networks.