• Interior Ministry: 16 minors disembark from Gregoretti
  • Migrants, opened file in Syracuse. The commander of the Gregoretti from the pm


01 August 2019 "The crew of the Alan Kurdi rescued 40 people from a rubber boat this morning. Among them are a baby and two small children. Now they are assisted on board". The NGO Sea Eye writes it in a tweet. "We will ask the competent authorities to assign us a safe haven. Geographically, Lampedusa is the closest," said Gorden Isler, spokesman for the German NGO. On board, he explains to the Frankfurter Allgemeine, there are two women, one pregnant, one newborn and two children. People say they left the Libyan city of Tagiura in the night. According to Sea-Eye migrants come from Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Mali, Congo and Cameroon.

Interior Minister Matteo Salvini signed the ban on entering Italian waters for the Alan Kurdi ship. The sources of the Interior Ministry report this. "If the NGO really cares about the health of immigrants, it can set its course towards Tunisia: if instead it thinks of coming to Italy as if nothing had happened, it has the wrong minister," says Interior Minister Matteo Salvini regarding Alan Kurdi. Currently the ship is 30 nautical miles from Libya, 60 from Tunisia, 171 from Malta and 127 from Lampedusa.

Salvini: if Alan Kurdi in our waters take possession
"German government warned half rescued, NGO notified half saved: if they enter Italian waters we will take possession of that vessel. Are we playing catchy? Enough, I broke my balls. The ships will be requisitioned and we will go on board" also says the leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini in an interview with SkyTg24 talking about Alan Kurdi.

Landing migrants from Gregoretti ships, will go to 5 European countries and to facilities
Meanwhile, yesterday, after 4 days in the port, the 116 migrants on board the Coast Guard Gregoretti ship landed in Augusta, one in the morning for urgent health reasons, the others in the afternoon: even among these there were 29 sick people, to what said the attorney of Syracuse Fabio Scavone, including one of tuberculosis and 20 of scabies.

Cei: 50 of Gregoretti in Rocca di Papa in the 'Better world' structure
About fifty migrants, among the 116 landed from the Gregoretti ship at the port of Augusta, will be welcomed at the "Mondo Migliore" facility in Rocca di Papa. "In this way the Italian Episcopal Conference, through Italian Caritas, committed itself with its own professional and economic resources to correspond to a request from the Ministry of the Interior to the Italian Church to take responsibility for hospitality, reception and assistance - also legal - of these people ", reads a note.

Paris ready to welcome 30 refugees
France is ready to welcome "30 refugees" among the hundred or so rescued of the Gregoretti ship. The French Ministry of the Interior reported this to AFP. The French availability statement comes after the agreement between five EU member countries (France, Germany, Portugal, Lussumbergo and Ireland) plus the Holy See, which said they were ready to welcome some of the migrants saved at sea. According to the ministry, the head of the department, Christophe Castaner, "agreed" that "30 people, refugees and non-economic migrants", will be welcomed in France in the coming days. With this in mind, the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons will travel to Italy in "a few days".