Nina Azizova worked in the Tver hospital number 6 since 2000 - she taught physical therapy classes for children. On October 30, after work, the woman became ill: her heart ached, shortness of breath, weakness and dizziness appeared. Nina called her daughter Alyona and asked her to take her home. The girl told RT that at home her mother’s condition worsened, she had to call an ambulance. Arriving doctors made an ECG for the woman, but did not see the pathologies and advised him to go to an emergency room.

“We arrived, and my mother spent forty minutes in the hallway on a gurney, until I myself went into the therapist’s office - only then we were received. The therapist said that she did not like my mother’s cardiogram. This is the only doctor who noticed something was amiss. She went to a neighboring building for a cardiologist on duty, ”recalls Alena.

According to the girl, the doctor of the cardiology department Mikhail Strygin agreed to examine the patient only after persuasion. Alena claims that he allegedly did not find cause for concern and sent them home.

They did not reach home. In a taxi, Nina Azizova got worse, the women returned to the hospital and went to another ward, related to the vascular center. There, according to Alena, the mother was examined by a neurologist and also did not notice any deviations.

“In neurology, there was a free chamber. We were told that mom can be left overnight, but they won’t officially issue it. That is, she would not have been given any medical assistance if she had become ill at night. I asked for medicine, but the doctor did not give prescriptions. As a result, the mother was injected intramuscularly with Suprastin. This is an allergy remedy. Neither to the village, nor to the city, ”says Alena.

Glycine for heart pain

Around eleven in the evening, Alena brought her mother to her house, but the woman did not reach the apartment on the fifth floor - she lost consciousness right on the stairs. Frightened, Alena called an ambulance and asked the doctors to grab a stretcher, explaining that her mother could not walk on her own.

“They arrived without a stretcher. On the fifth floor, my father and I carried mom in our arms. I tried to shame the doctors, told them that my mother was a medical worker, but they answered me with a mockery: “And what does the medical worker do at 12 o’clock in the night on the stairs?” Says Alena.

According to her, the ambulance doctor measured Azizova’s pressure, looked at the results of the ECG, but did not find anything special. The team did not take the woman to the hospital, but demanded to sign a written refusal of hospitalization: "You were already in the hospital, now no one will accept you."

Doctors, says Alena, gave her mother ten tablets of “glycine,” a mild sedative. After their departure, the girl put her mother to bed. At five in the morning Alena woke up from loud screams.

“Dad sat on the floor on his knees and held his mother. She no longer understood what was happening to her, constantly lost consciousness, wheezed, said that she was in pain. We put mom on the bed and she again lost consciousness. Crimson spots went down the leg and thigh. Hands became cold, pulse was very weak. Foam appeared at the mouth, ”recalls Alena.

The ambulance arrived - the same team that sent the woman to the emergency room for the first time. The doctor measured the pressure and told Alena and the nurse to run for the defibrillator.

“When we came running with the defibrillator, the doctor said that he would no longer be needed. Mom died at 6:15. Doctors of the ambulance also asked my dad: “What did you do to her, that she died?” The girl says.

An autopsy showed that her mother died due to a post-infarction condition and cardiosclerosis of the left ventricle of the heart. It turned out that Nina Azizova probably had several micro-infarctions. However, the patient’s condition did not alert either the ambulance paramedics, GKB No. 6 doctors, or specialists who regularly observed Azizov.

Problems with heart

Alena Azizova notes that recently her mother sometimes worried about her heart, she visited a cardiologist. This was confirmed by the head of Nina Azizova, Elena Svetlova, who heads the department of physiotherapy exercises in City Clinical Hospital No. 6.

“Recently, she turned to the cardiocenter. She was examined, but everything was fine. They made specific exact procedures that were supposed to reveal that something was wrong. Why everything went unnoticed is not very clear, ”Svetlova admits.

According to her, the death of Nina Azizova was a shock for the entire hospital. She describes the former subordinate as a responsible, professional employee and a kind, responsive person. Both doctors and patients loved her, many of them came to the funeral. At the same time, Svetlova noted that she did not know how the investigation of the actions of doctors who could not save her colleague could end.

“What may happen in this story in the future, I don’t quite understand. What will the doctor now be in the hospital? Now they will conduct checks. But I still can’t understand how this could happen, ”the woman sighs.

Doctors neglect

After the information appeared in the media about the death, investigators became interested in the situation in City Clinical Hospital No. 6 in the City Clinical Hospital No. 6. According to RT, Sofia Tkachenko, an employee of the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Tver Region, the agency will conduct an audit in a medical institution and evaluate the actions of doctors.

Meanwhile, the daughter of Azizova turned to the police and the prosecutor's office, demanding an investigation. So far, Alena does not know anything about the verification process.

Chief physician of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. I. I. Dzhanelidze, Ph.D. Anton Povzun, in an interview with RT noted that in practice, in each case, the symptoms of a heart attack can be individual. According to him, there is no “universal” sign by which one can immediately and with confidence diagnose a heart attack.

“There are combinations of some signs - critical, electrocardiographic, laboratory - which can significantly complicate or mislead in the diagnosis, incorrectly interpreted. In real practice, the signs of a heart attack can differ greatly from how they are described, say, in a textbook. There is no sign that would be absolutely reliable. This is a combination of many signs, ”explained the specialist.

RT sent an official request to the Ministry of Health of the Tver Region, but did not receive an operational response, the head doctor of State Clinical Hospital No. 6 refused to comment on the situation.