Mitigation of single-parent income tax for unmarried singles

The Liberal Democratic Party's Chairman of the Agricultural Tax System, who has been seeking the revision of the tax system for the next fiscal year, has proposed that the LDP Chairman of the Agricultural Tax System should consider positively about measures to reduce income tax for single parents who are not married.

In preparation for the tax reform next year, the Komeito Party is asking unmarried single parents to apply measures to reduce income tax, just like single parents who died or divorced from their spouses.

About this, the Liberal Democratic Party's chairman of the Amari tax system, told reporters, "I want to secure the fairness of a single parent without destroying the basic family view," and showed the idea of ​​considering it positively.

Concerning measures to reduce income tax for single parents who have not yet been married, prudent opinions have been deeply rooted in the Liberal Democratic Party as being "related to the way the family should be". Adjustments are expected to be made between the two.