London-Jazeera Net

The election debate between Labor Party leaders Jeremy Corbin and Conservative Boris Johnson in Britain has not gone unpunished because of a move by the latter party and has drawn unprecedented political and media criticism.

The ruling party decided to change the name and image of its official page on the Twitter site, and put the name "Fact Check" throughout the election debate, which was watched by more than six million people, and the page published tweets supporter at the same time anti-Labor.

Johnson's party used the name "Fact Check" (a technique used by the Western media and independent organizations to correct any misinformation that politicians say or disseminate, especially during election campaigns) to pass on many messages that favor the party during the election debate. Everyone is assured of the correctness of the information provided by the participants in this debate, especially as the technology has become credible with the British voter, according to critics of the party.

The wrath of the media
The Conservative party's use of the move drew the ire of the media, which described it as misleading voters and damaging the reputation of institutions using news scrutiny. US President Donald Trump during his campaign.

The move comes as the country is living an unprecedented state of alert for fear of misinformation that may affect voters, prompting the Twitter communication platform to react to the incident and quickly.

The company said "what the Conservative Party has done bad misconduct" and assured its spokesman that it is taking all necessary measures to provide a healthy atmosphere for the election debate, and it will not allow it to become a platform to spread false news or direct voters.

In response to the criticism, Twitter vowed that it would take "strict and deterrent measures" if the Conservative Party or another party repeated such methods, noting that it prevented political propaganda on its platform in order to suspicion and the possibility of being used for electoral purposes.

Corbin and Johnson during the debate (Getty Images)

Attempts to squeeze
The justifications were not convincing enough for the Labor Party, which is trying to press Twitter to block or stop the Conservative page, even temporarily, as a punishment for what it did.

The party considered that the threat of Twitter to the Conservative Party "is an attempt to sow ash in Laayoune" and stressed that he takes these incidents seriously after he announced that his database was subjected to an attempted hacking and cyberattack from an unknown destination and investigations are underway to find out the source of this attempt.

Political and media bodies resorted to the Electoral Commission, which is the highest body to monitor any violations of the electoral process, but responded by not deciding on issues of this kind, throwing the ball in the court of communication sites to deal more seriously with similar incidents.

In the face of the wave of anger a number of conservative leaders came out to defend their institution, led by Foreign Minister Dominique Rapp, who ruled out the charge of misleading his party, saying that there is a strict internal decision not to exploit the communication sites, adding that the page maintained the name of the party headquarters, and this "evidence that There was no intention of misleading, "the conservative leader said.

The fact that Twitter did not prevent the first election debate between the leaders of the two parties from carrying good news to the workers, where a survey of the organization "U Cave" that Corbin succeeded in convincing voters more than Prime Minister (Johnson).

The Foundation focused in its poll on the unresolved category of its decision to vote and represents about 20% of the bloc, which is betting on each party to strengthen their chances to lead the elections.

Fifty-nine percent said they were convinced by Corbin's speech, and 41 percent expressed support for Johnson, the first loss of conservative opinion polls. It would not be the only debate between the two leaders. The closer the election date, the greater the importance of these debates in convincing voters.