Uyghur Containment Chinese internal document acquisition NY Times November 18 6:57

Amid strong criticism from the international community that a large number of Uyghurs are unjustly detained in China, a leading American newspaper reports that it has obtained internal documents of the Chinese government, and the Chinese government argues that vocational training is the purpose I told them that they were forcibly housed in the facility and thorough thought education was conducted.

The leading American New York Times reported in an electronic version on the 16th that they had received over 400 pages of internal documents showing that the Chinese government was forcing Uyghur people in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

According to it, at the facility that claims that the Chinese government conducts vocational training for the purpose of combating terrorism, communication with the outside is blocked, and thorough educational education is conducted under strict discipline.

In addition, when a youth who returns home from outside the autonomous region learns that his family has been detained, local officials will promptly contact them and take measures to prevent information from spreading through SNS.

In addition, the internal documents have to be included also address the contents of the private Xi Jinping Jintao, in a speech made in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in 2014, has been reported to have instructed such as "Do you forgive me at all" about the crackdown.

It is unusual for a large amount of internal documents of the Chinese government to be reported to foreign media, and the New York Times said that it was provided by Chinese political officials. This indicates that the voices that question the repression are persistent. "