A few simple phrases can help you show you polite, avoid critical moments, and soothe a sense of tension in conversation.

Lisa Goines, in her Canadian edition of Reader's Digest, touched on some of the phrases that polite people say consistently.

"Take your time to say hello, especially if you meet the same people regularly," says etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore. Greeting always has a positive effect, even if you meet an unfamiliar person, you can be a board member, a major donor or an important member of your family, so you will make a good impression on you.

2. Please
According to the Emily Post Institute, the word "please" is one of the magic words that should be used every day, and that word simply contributes to changing the matter into a request, showing respect and appreciation to the person you address. Adding one simple word will completely change the tone of the conversation.

Thank you
Saying the word "thank you" when someone offers you a nice and simple gesture service makes them feel appreciated and grateful for the interest you have shown them.

4 - Welcome and capacity
Once someone has thanked you, it is important to respond politely by saying "welcome" or "great pleasure" and avoid saying "no problem" because it will send the wrong message.

According to the etiquette expert Candace Smith, expressing gratitude by saying "no problem" suggests that what you have done was easy and not to be thanked; therefore making some change will send you more positive messages.

When someone thanks you, it's important to respond politely (Getty Images)

5. Excuse me
When entering someone's personal space, intentionally or unintentionally, you should seek permission or apologize by saying "excuse me". Smith said the word "pardon" is a useful way to restore the "social balance" of the conversation, let alone attract someone's attention, or provide a way out, or talk politely.

6. Calling the person in his name
Calling a person in his name shows respect and tact, regardless of his / her position, whether it is a customer service officer or an executive director, the use of the person's name indicates respect and tact.

According to The Washington Post, when someone remembers our name, we feel appreciated, important and positive during the conversation. The key lies in a person's obligation to call the other by the same name that they have presented themselves to.

7. I'm happy to see you
It is useless to use the phrase unless the feelings are real. According to the American magazine Enk, this feeling is one of the most attractive emotions to express to another person;

8- This is kind of you
According to the etiquette expert Sharon Schweitzer, "accepting compliments can be a challenge for many people, as ignoring praise can indicate that you do not appreciate what happened." Express your gratitude by using compliments, such as "This is so kind of you", to show gratitude and humility at the same time.

Express your thanks with compliments like "This is so kind of you" (Getty Images)

9. Condolences
Condolences are very important, but they make people feel uncomfortable. Whitmore suggests simple phrases like "I feel very sorry for your loss." It is not necessary to express your sympathy directly, just send a handwritten note or an e-mail to express your regret, and it is important to make the person feel important to you.

10- Can you share your opinion about ...
Listening to others 'opinions is one of the most important features of a polite person. The importance of listening to others' ideas on a subject indicates the importance of their opinions. According to INC, phrases such as "Can you share your opinion about ..." make a person feel more self-esteem, generating positive feelings for you.

11. Can I help you?
Ignoring helping someone who is having trouble doing things, such as a heavy pregnancy, indicates a lack of empathy. When a helping hand is given, such a gesture goes beyond the level of discipline into kindness.

According to a study published in the Journal of Social Psychology, participants who helped others assured that they feel more comfortable and happy in their lives, so when you volunteer to ease someone's pregnancy, literally or figuratively, it will benefit both of you.

Failure to respond positively or negatively to one of the most important ethical complaints (Getty Images)

The word "maybe" could be a polite way of saying "Let's agree on the difference of opinion". According to the Macmillan dictionary, the word "probably" is used as a polite response to someone who does not fully agree with what he said. The word can be used to defuse a potential dispute without telling someone that it is wrong.

13 - Attend events
According to Anna Post of the Emily Post Institute, it is always necessary to respond to your invitation, as Anna wrote on her blog that not answering one of the invitations she receives is one of the most important complaints of ethics, often accompanied by feelings of frustration. Post noted that a timely response is required, especially if you cannot attend an event.

14- Notice how good you are in ...
Polite people do not have a monopoly on conversation, but are looking for ways to effectively integrate others into the conversation. Referring to and talking about the strengths of others is an important way to create an effective conversation. According to INC, highlighting what they do well gives them a sense of self-worth, not to mention a positive reflection on you.