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A tingling sensation in the heart, stomach malaise, trembling of the hands, and heavy sweating, all of which are symptoms of a psychological condition, no one has gone through, because of feeling guilty about the act of small or large.

If we surrender to him to kill us, and if we did not surrender, we would have left ourselves to sin, and life would turn into absolute evil. In his book "Out of the Text," Mohamed Taha, a professor of psychiatry at Minia University, addressed guilt, Calling it the most powerful weapon known to mankind.

Self blame
Guilt is a major part of psychological formation since the age of 3 or 5 years. Tame this beast when he cares.

But if what the child has reached from his parents is cruelty, violence and oppression, this will be a very fertile environment for the emergence of this armed monster, and with every movement or action and every emotion, you will always be vulnerable to this feeling, and confine your fault between fault and error and always Under the blade you blame yourself day and night.

Genetic causes
In addition to upbringing, there are other factors that increase guilt, including genetic predisposition and gene expression.And guilt and persistent blame are associated with other psychiatric illnesses, such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia.You are always negligent and guilty, which some people better exploit against you.

The professor of psychiatry talks about the exploitation of a person who fits for himself, within his family his guilt becomes a cause for more literature and obedience, which makes him more susceptible to extremist ideas, since he considers himself the highest human cleanser always.

Pathological guilt is sometimes associated with genetic causes (communication sites)

Get out of the cocoon of blame
Without losing your living conscience, there are some things you should know in order to get rid of your guilt. You discover that you made a mistake and retreat yourself, learn from the error, do not repeat it, then apologize or repent.

The sick type of guilt is to hang the gallows in case of mistake, to set yourself up for a cruel court, in which right and wrong becomes a disaster, and a catastrophic catastrophe will end the world.You become a daily captive of anger, and you become captive to your skin and torture it every hour.

The keys to accepting yourself
The author of the book out of the text summarizes the steps to reduce the psychological harm to the owners of the blame souls in the steps:

1 - Tolerance, if you forgive yourself, learn from the error and then start again, and remind yourself always how we will learn if we do not sin.

2 - accept your weakness, we are human and weakness is part of our humanity, accept failure, what is the point of success without going through the bitterness of failure.

3 - Do not hand over the key to your acceptance of yourself to any person and under any lawsuit, do not wait for acceptance and satisfaction only from yourself.

4 - Do not allow anyone to take the right of error and give you a sense of guilt substitute.

5 - Remember that guilt is often the opposite of a sense of responsibility, you will not do not for fear of error but for fear of taking responsibility.

6 - Do not carry yourself overworked, and does not carry the load of anyone, each facilitator of what was created for him, do not claim the championship.

7. No one grants the instruments of forgiveness except God, always remember, no one deserves your confession to him, confess only to yourself and to God.