Can the use of the bull run, together with, among other things, uniform-like clothes and slogans, be classed as hot against a group of people? Prosecutor Jonas Martinsson wants further investigation of this. Therefore, he appealed the free judgments against 14 NMR supporters following the Nazi demonstration in Gothenburg in September 2017, reports P4 Gothenburg.

- The idea behind the legislation is that it should be able to limit such organizations to work, so it is good that the court of law should try it, says Jonas Martinsson to P4.

In the past, several convicts have appealed

Gothenburg District Court convicted five NMR supporters for violent riots, but did not consider that the prosecutor's argument for the indictment was upset against the popular group.

In the past, several of the convicted Nazis have appealed against the verdict, and now the prosecutor also appeals.

- You get to see more about what NMR itself stands for today and that in itself it may be enough to judge them as a racist organization and what comes with it, says Martinsson.