At present, it does not appear that the vote will lead to the resignation of Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson (S), as the declaration of disbelief is not supported by a majority of parliamentarians.

- SD, M and KD together have 154 distrust votes, but at least 175 are required, says Elisabeth Marmorstein.

This is the first time that the Moderates and Christian Democrats have supported a declaration of confidence that has been raised by the Swedish Democrats.

- It is mainly Jimmie Åkesson who wins this. By being the one who raises a declaration of mistrust, he emerges as an opposition leader and he manifests this conservative bloc that he usually talks about, says Elisabeth Marmorstein, who is on the scene in parliament.

It is after the recent acts of violence in Malmö that the Swedish Democrats made the decision to arouse distrust of Morgan Johansson.

Follow the vote on SVT Forum from 09.00.

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