“The most treacherous and fatal blow in history has been dealt. The right coup senator called herself the chairman of the Senate, and then the interim president of Bolivia without the necessary quorum, surrounded by a group of accomplices and having the support of the armed forces and police that suppress the people, ”he wrote on Twitter.

Se ha consumado el golpe más artero y nefasto de la historia. Una senadora de derecha golpista se autoproclama presidenta del senado y luego presidenta interina de Bolivia sin quórum legisllativo, rodeada de un grupo de cómplices y apañada por FFAA y Policía que reprimen al pueblo

- Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) November 12, 2019

Earlier it became known that the second vice-speaker of the Senate of Bolivia, the representative of the opposition, Janine Agnes, took over the powers of the acting president of the republic.