“I urge the Armed Forces of Bolivia to restore constitutional order. Your only commander in chief is Evo Morales Ayma. The modernization of the army carried out by President Morales was not done to oppress the people, but to defend it. Enough coups! ”He wrote on Twitter.

Llamo a las Fuerzas Armadas de Bolivia a restituir el hilo constitucional, su único Comandante en Jefe es Evo Morales Ayma. La modernización hecha por el presidente @evoespueblo a las FFAA, no fue para reprimir al pueblo, es para protegerlo. ¡Basta de Golpes de Estado! pic.twitter.com/sZ0HVZJgD4

- Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) November 13, 2019

Earlier in Bolivia, President Evo Morales, Vice President Alvaro García Linera, Senate Head Adriana Salvierrara, Senate First Deputy Speaker, as well as the head of the Chamber of Deputies, Viktor Borda, resigned.

Later, the second vice speaker of the Senate of Bolivia, the representative of the opposition, Janine Agnes, took over the powers of the acting president of the republic.