Abdelhakim Hazaqa - Algeria

The Algerian left originated in 1939 at the hands of the French Communist comrade Michel Torres "with the aim of crowding out Islam and trying to change the identity of the Muslim people, arguing that North Africans are a mixture of ancient races", claiming that many Algerians want to be French.

However, the party's leader, Omar Ouzgan, rose up during the liberation revolution, declaring that Algeria is a nation, and that it has the right to gain its sovereignty, to change the path after independence from liberation to a "project of society".

The historic leader, Hussein Ait Ahmed, founded the oldest leftist opposition party, the Socialist Forces Front (FFS), in 1963, following his disagreement with the comrades of the revolution.

The Socialist Vanguard Party, founded by Hashemi Cherif, returned to the forefront in 1989, originally the heir of the mother Communist Party, before banning it on Independence Day and then standing with the leftist orientations of the Houari Boumediene regime.

On the ruins of the Trotskyist Socialist Organization, which was active in secrecy, the Labor Party of Louisa Hanoune also emerged in 1990.

Hussein Ait Ahmed, Algeria's oldest leftist opposition leader

According to Abou Jarra Soltani, author of "The Roots of the Conflict in Algeria," the shares of the left in Algeria rose in three historical periods, confined to the coup of June 19, 1965, and the declaration of President Houari Boumediene the birth of the socialist revolution - especially the agricultural - in 1972, and then the return of the leader Mohamed Boudiaf in 1992.

But the leftist tide has been confined to a time of pluralism except in the administration, media, banking institutions and art, due to the Algerian public's rejection of the incoming currents and its adherence to the Islamic national trend, says Sultani.

Absence and failure
However, the left was present in all presidential elections from 1999 to 2014, with the nomination of the late Hussein Ait Ahmed and Louisa Hanoune, who is currently serving a 15-year prison sentence.

Today, the leftists are largely absent from the movement's eligibility in 2019, amid organizational problems plaguing their party entities.

The current downturn posed several questions about the reality of leftist formations and their future in Algeria in light of sweeping global and local transformations.

Left-wing intellectual Omar Azraj believes that the movement has not been able to become a symbolic force for the Algerian people, and has failed to create a national political map based on partisan polarity that has a profound positive impact on the Algerian landscape.

Omar Azraj: Algerian left failed to make popular power because of his many mistakes (Al Jazeera Net)

One-party culture
Azraj explained to Al Jazeera Net that the Socialist Forces Front failed miserably to fortify itself with educated frameworks possessed a sophisticated strategic thought and stemmed from the characteristics of Algerian society.

He added that the party was overwhelmed by the charismatic personality of one of the historical leaders of the national liberation movement, Hussein Ait Ahmed, which made him lack the mechanisms of organizing himself across the country as a polarized political, cultural and intellectual vanguard, and appears again and again as a regional party, often only reproduce traditional socialist ideas at the level Theoretical.

He also stressed that the "Labor Party" has also failed to overcome the culture of the one party, which prevented it from becoming a vital model for the Algerian left evolving organized and attracting workers, intellectuals and peasants.

He considered that "the party clinging to the ghosts of the Trotskyist crusts, which hampered the impeding imported political doctrine and ready led by Louisa Hanoune, and all this prevented the profit of the national development bet in all its forms."

Louisa Hanoune has been nominated three times for the presidency and is currently serving 15 years in prison (Al Jazeera Net)

Errors and obstacles
Azarraj stressed that "the dominance of the historical leader Ait Ahmed on the Socialist Forces until his death in the Swiss Diaspora, as well as the isolation of Louisa Hanoune led by the Labor Party for 30 years, and the assignment of the trade union to a capitalist such as Sidi Said for 22 years, all factors have played a detailed role In defaming the Algerian left. "

He added that this diminished his chances of being a democratic standard and an evolving model in the Algerian political scene, which paralyzed the political left of the left and rendered it ineffective in the various elections.

Abu Jarrah Sultani, head of the World Forum for Moderation, explained the left's lack of an incubating popular base. "Transparent elections are his biggest enemy, because their leaders only thrive in transitions, in a quota system or in suppressing the Islamic trend."

He added that their absence from the presidencies scheduled for December 12 is due to the weakness of their popularity and the lack of charisma to represent them, let alone put forward a project of society rejected popular, official and historical.

Abu Jarra said in a statement to Al Jazeera Net that the problem of the left in Algeria is that an elitist organization is officially guaranteed and practically held advanced decision centers in state structures at the time of one party, but it began to withdraw and fade after pluralism.

Abu Jarra Sultani: There is no future for the left in Algeria except under full citizenship on the basis of majority and minority (Al Jazeera Net)

Majority and minority
As for the future of the left, Soltani believes that "the environment in which he grew up is no longer available, that is, there is no place for the current in the ballot boxes, and has no luck in any election."

He asserted that it would become elite clubs that spread thought, art and culture from an ideological perspective if it was not embraced by an elitist or a quota and a supreme appointment.

"There is no future for the left in Algeria except under full citizenship, where the majority governs and the minority respects, on the basis of right and duty," he concluded.

Azraj's point of view was no different.He said that the incarceration of Labor Party Secretary-General Louisa Hanoune should motivate analysts to form political structures in order to address the major problems of the Algerian left, past and present, including the production and reproduction of the old behavior of one-party leaders.