The investigative material shows that it was a neighbor of the woman who called the police at 16:24 on April 24 this year. This after he heard more screams and noise than usual from the apartment. It must have been thrown furniture and shaken in the elements even at the neighbor who reported the incident.

Due to the fact that the police in Kalix were out on other jobs, a party member from Luleå was called to the woman's apartment. After just over an hour, the patrol arrives at the scene where they found the woman lifeless in the bathroom, lying on her back, with no clothes on her lower body and tied with a dog leash around her hands.


The man who is the woman's ex-boyfriend was also in the apartment. According to him, he had arrived at the woman's apartment about 30 minutes before the police arrived. Then he should have found her tied up on the living room floor and then dragged her to the bathroom and performed resuscitation attempts underneath until the police arrived.

Although the patrol arriving at the scene immediately realized the woman was dead, they performed resuscitation attempts along with the suspect until ambulance personnel arrived and continued for another 20 minutes - but the woman's life could not be saved.

According to the notifier, it should have been quiet for about 20 minutes before the police arrived. Both police and medical personnel must have noted injuries to the neck, one eyelid and one arm. There were suspicions that Persson had been beaten for life and his ex-boyfriend was arrested.

According to relatives, the 30-year-old man and the 25-year-old woman must have had an on and off relationship where he has to mentally abuse the woman.