We all went through this annoying experience of feeling sad and frustrated on the first day of the week, going to work and studying at a slumbering pace, because we feel that the restful and enjoyable weekend is over and we have to go back to work routine.

Getting out of a relaxing and entertaining weekend toward a hard day of work can be frustrating for many people, according to HealthLine.If you feel sad and nervous on the first day of the week, these strategies can help you overcome your negative emotions:

Maintain your habits
What makes the start of the week difficult for many is that it represents a return to the pattern of eating, sleeping and physical effort after changing during the weekend, in the period of rest, many tend to eat additional amounts of food, and do activities that are not accustomed to, and this has a direct impact on sleep times, and therefore difficult to restore the format the usual.

The best solution is not to reject any changes at the end of the week, but to take a break from the routine, but in a balanced way so as not to get too far from your usual system and find it difficult to return to it, as summarized personal counselor Catherine Elie by saying "pamper yourself on the weekend, but without Off track. "

Think of a new mindset
You can gain a new habit of sitting 30 minutes on the morning of the week to write down your accomplishments and the goals you intend to achieve in the coming days.This will help you see the full picture and long-term goals, rather than just thinking about that day.

On weekends you will be completely isolated from work and focus on personal life (German)

Disconnect from work
Feeling depressed on the first morning of the week may be a sign that you should be more serious about separating work and rest time.If you constantly check your email box during the holiday, you are subjecting yourself to mental and psychological stress.To get rid of this habit, you must close the email notifications and be completely isolated from Work and focus on personal life.

Do not mess with the sleep cycle
This may seem obvious, but fatigue due to sleep disorders causes depression at the beginning of the week. Be sure to sleep for seven to nine hours to avoid stress and nervousness.

Specialist Eli advises to maintain sleep and wake times, and not to stay away from them in a time domain more than an hour or two at the latest, to avoid tampering with the biological clock of the body.

Get started early
Although it is important to dedicate a weekend to rest and recreation, it is advisable to take an hour or two from the first working day to start early in the completion of a task, especially if it is very important and will lead to the accumulation of work at the beginning of the week, but this idea remains an exceptional measure that must be done only in extreme cases .

Take one or two hours from the first working day to get started early in the task

Avoid stacking tasks
It is natural to feel unable to keep up with things after the weekend because of the large number of interviews and tasks that must be accomplished on this day, so you should plan realistically for the first week.

Write down your concerns
When your mind leads you to the negative thoughts and fear of the next day, writing everything on paper contributes to calm and mental clarity, and can write the cause of the fears and what they can do to dispel them.

The reason for the absence of enthusiasm
Depression at the beginning of the week may be a sign that you do not like your job, and you should know whether it is caused by the manager's mistreatment, the inconvenience caused by colleagues, or the nature of the job itself.

Talked with a friend
The best way to improve how you feel is to call a close friend for moral support.If you feel depressed and helpless by motivating yourself at the start of the week, you can program a lunch with a close friend.Just talking about it with someone who understands how you feel can make you feel confident and ready to continue working.

Planning something fun makes you cross the first week smoothly (German)

Plan something fun
Having something we love and looking forward to doing may make us pass the first week of the week smoothly, and this activity can be sporting like playing a ball game with colleagues in the evening or meeting friends after work.

Make a favor to someone
Avoid focusing on a to-do list.Instead, think of something that makes others feel happy, such as preparing a breakfast for your family at home, sending a letter of encouragement to a coworker, or paying for a stranger's coffee, all of which distract us from stress and depression.

Pamper yourself
Paying attention to breakfast is a smart step to start the first week, and you can go to a coffee shop or shop to buy coffee and a sandwich, or spend some time the night before to prepare healthy food you love.

Relieve burdens
It is advised not to face all major tasks in one day, and instead of starting to complete them all the first week can be postponed to another day, and allocate the first day of the week to respond to messages and planning and thinking only.

Not just feeling depressed
Feeling depressed on the first day of the week can sometimes last until the end of the week, which means you have a depression, says specialist Elie "The depression of the first week is supposed to disappear with the incursion more on weekdays, and if this feeling continues, the person may be With a mental health problem. "

In general, depression is characterized by persistent bad mood and lack of interest in anything, creating a state of inability to live normally, coupled with the prevalence of feelings of surrender, nervousness, anxiety, and sleep problems.