According to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, wild boar causes damage to agriculture for SEK 1 billion per year. That sum will be down to 500 million and the traffic damage caused by the animals should be halved from 6,000 to 3,000 per year.

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency wants to review the policy of shooting wild boar, because despite the government's decision on a long hunting period and support for landowners, the wild boar population is growing too fast according to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

Forced hunting may be required

By increasing the hunt for reproductive females and reducing - or completely stopping feeding - one hopes to be able to halve the damage to agriculture caused by the wild boar. If the hunt does not work as intended, it may be possible with forced hunting carried out by hunters appointed by the county administrative board.

In the clip, farmer Fredrik Andersson explains why wild boar bends up the ground and how he looks at a possible forced hunt.