"Gold words. True and reflective. A clear definition of the current state of NATO. One “but” (although there are more). How exactly can Europe control its destiny? 20th century - two worlds. 19 and further back centuries - endless local wars and “export of ideology” on the edge of swords and spears, ”she wrote on Facebook.

As the diplomat noted, the processes that originated in the “Woodrow Wilson points”, which went through “hardening of the Second World War and developed into the economic and then political integration of Europe, helped to solve the main problem”.

According to her, they helped “stop the endless European discord”.

“But at the same time they led to today's crisis of identity and development,” Zakharova concluded.

Macron previously stated that NATO is in a state of "brain death." According to him, Europeans are “on the edge of the abyss” and can no longer count on US military defense.

The President noted the need for Europe to start thinking of itself as an independent geopolitical force.

In the State Duma, commenting on Macron’s words, they noted that the French leader “objectively assessed the situation”.