So, in January - September 2019, the average salary of doctors in Russia amounted to 79 thousand rubles, which is 7% more than for the same period last year. Then the salary of doctors was 73.6 thousand rubles.

At the same time, doctors received the highest salary in 2019 in Chukotka (187.9 thousand rubles), and the lowest - in Ingushetia (43.5 thousand rubles).

Also, the salary of nurses (paramedics, nurses, midwives) increased by 7% - this year it exceeded 39 thousand rubles. In 2018, the salary of this category of health workers amounted to 36.4 thousand rubles.

These specialists also receive the highest salary in Chukotka (94.6 thousand rubles), and the lowest - in Ingushetia (22 thousand rubles).

In addition, the average salary of nurses, in particular orderlies and nurses, increased by 5%. In 2019, it reached 35.4 thousand rubles, while a year ago it amounted to 33.6 thousand rubles.

Workers in this category received the highest salaries in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (91.7 thousand rubles), and the lowest in Ingushetia (21.6 thousand rubles).

Earlier, the Federal State Statistics Service called the average salary in Russia. According to the agency, it is 47.7 thousand rubles.