7:01 on November 8 continues for the US-China summit meeting

About trade negotiations between the United States and China, on the 7th, China revealed that it had agreed with the US side to gradually reduce tariffs. However, the US side has not responded so far, and it seems that the bargaining will continue for the holding of the US-China summit.

US in both government, which has continued to traded of the tariff hike, we are promoting the consultation of stuffing for signing a partial trade agreement at the summit meeting of the Trump President Xi Jinping Jintao.

In the midst of this, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said at the press conference on the 7th that he agreed with the United States to gradually reduce tariffs.

However, the US side has not responded so far, and Reuters reported on the 7th that the US government has not yet made a final decision as a source of information.

It seems that the Trump administration will further determine the extent to which China will tackle reforms such as reviewing intellectual property infringement.

Since trade negotiations between the United States and China have continued to make progress, the trade between the two countries is likely to continue in preparation for the US-China summit.